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  • Mentorship Programme

    Mentorship Program : Guidelines & tips for Mentors

    • Mentors & mentees have been prematched according to registration information & common interests
    • Mentor / Mentee interaction
    • Duration 1 yr
    • Initiate the first meeting, further meetings can be initiated by the mentee
    • Frequency of meeting not fixed, averaging 5 - 6 meetings / year
    • 2 levels of meeting
      • Programme activities: organized by CSHK Women's Chapter, including BBQ Inauguration Mentorship event, Community service, "Happy hour Saturday":  Cooking classes, Introduction to photography, makeup workshop....
      • Individual meetings : can include office / hospital / home visits, lunch, email, phonecalls , shadowing opportunities
    • Stress that Surgery is a specialty for both female and males
    • Diversity of Surgery:  Can give brief overview of the different subspecialties of surgery

    We believe this will be a truly rewarding experience for you.
