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  • Surgical Practice is going green

    Date : 8 March 2021

    Dear Fellows and Members,

    Surgical Practice is going green

    We hope you enjoy reading the Surgical Practice. Thanks to a large number of contributors, the journal grows with the College not only in volume but also transformed from Annual to Surgical Practice with loads of high-quality articles which are highly educational and inspiring.

    In light of the global trend of going green and the maturity of the digital platform, we are pleased to announce that the February issue in 2021 of Surgical Practice would be issued in digital format and no more hard copies will be printed. You can now login the Wiley Online Library and read the February issue in 2021 now.

    Please refer to the announcement email sent on 8 March 2021 for the details of instructions of accessing the journal online. If you already have a login account and activated your access, you can directly login the Wiley Online Library and read the online journal: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1744-1633

    For CME question and answer sheet:

    1. The CME question and answer sheet can be downloaded at Wiley Online Library.

    2. You can download it and return the completed answer sheet by mail, email or fax to the College office.

    3. Alternatively, the online CME question and answer sheet is also available. You can complete and submit the online answer sheet directly. Details could be found at:


    We are grateful for your unceasing support to the College and to Surgical Practice and we do believe that you will support such transformation. Please continue to share with us and the fellow colleagues your manuscripts here in Surgical Practice.

    If you have any enquiries, please contact Mr Jacky CHENG at jackycheng@cshk.org / (852) 2871 8791 or Mr Wallace LAM at wallacelam@cshk.org / (852) 2871 8774, thank you.

    Yours faithfully,

    Paul B. S. Lai (Professor)


    Surgical Practice
