Invitation to 2023 Younger Fellows Forum of The Royal Australasian College of SurgeonsDate : 28 April - 30 April 2023
Dear Younger Fellows,
RACS 2023 Younger Fellows Forum
Virtual Participation
28 April – 30 April 2023
The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong (CSHK) has received an invitation from The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) to nominate one Younger Fellow to attend its 2022 Younger Fellows Forum virtually from 28 April – 30 April 2023 (Friday to Sunday) and give a presentation on an issue applicable to Younger Fellows in the afternoon on 29 April 2023 (Saturday).
The core objective of the forum is to provide an environment that encourages Younger Fellows to address issues relevant to personal, professional and collegiate life through discussions and focus groups. It is an excellent training opportunity and exposure.
The College will set up a selection panel to select the appropriate candidate to represent our College. Shortlisted applicants may be invited for a selection interview. Applicants must have obtained their first Surgical Fellowship within the past 10 years (under 10 years of specialist qualification) either in Hong Kong or overseas.
The selected delegate has the obligation of reporting his/her experiences at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the College for his/her participation in the Forum.
Interested Younger Fellows are invited to submit the following documents in support of their applications by Monday, 14 November 2022:
1. A completed application form
2. A Curriculum Vitae
For enquiries, please contact Mr Kenny CHAM at 2871 8791/ kennycham@cshk.org or Ms Twinkle TANG at 2871 8793/ twinkletang@cshk.org.
Yours faithfully,
Prof. Kent-man CHU
Supplementary Documents
Application Form