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  • Clinical Attachment Programme for Examination Eligible Candidate

    Programme Overview


    Assessment Documentation

    Interruption of Training

    CME Requirements

    Annual Registration Fee

    List of documents required for application


    Those who have fulfilled all the training requirements including the duration of training, operational requirements and mandatory course requirements but not yet passed the required examination will fall into the category of Examination Eligible Candidate (EEC). Clinical Attachment Programme (CAP) is a programme to which an EEC will be attached for the purpose of maintaining surgical skills until passing the Fellowship Examination. Every EEC must actively involve in surgical practice. CAP must be monitored by at least one trainer. Trainer to EEC ratio should be 1:1. (This is independent of the Trainer to HST or BST ratio.)

    The maximum period allowed for clinical attachment:

    5 years

    Cardiothoracic Surgery


    Paediatric Surgery

    Plastic Surgery


    Vascular Surgery

    3 years

    General Surgery

    Any registered EECs failing to complete the Fellowship Examination of their respective Specialty within the stipulated time frame are required to withdraw from CAP. They are no longer eligible to restart either from Basic Surgical Training which will not be recognized by CSHK or Higher Surgical Training in any specialties under the College of Surgeons of Hong Kong.


    Trainees who cannot complete the Fellowship Examination within the stipulated Higher Surgical Training will be required for admission to the CAP for sitting the Fellowship Examination. These trainees are required to submit the EEC Registration Form to CSHK within the first month of the CAP. Failure to do so will render disqualification of sitting for the Fellowship Examination of their respective specialties.


    EECs must keep logbook on recording the experiences gained during the period of clinical attachment. On completion of every 6-month period of CAP, EECs in all specialties (except General Surgery) must submit the assessment documentation on or before 21st January or 21st July. The deadline will be automatically extended to the next working day if that day falls on Saturday or public holiday. For those in General Surgery, they are required to submit the documentation to the Training Subcommittee of CSHK via their supervisor regularly in January and July every year for recognition of the respective period. Deadline for submission of half-yearly assessment documentation falls on the date of Training Subcommittee meeting. Late submission of the half-yearly assessment documentation will render disqualification of sitting for the Fellowship Examination of their respective specialties.

    The assessment documentation should include the followings:

    · 1 Assessment Form

    · CME Report Form

    EECs who receive unsatisfactory assessment from their trainers will render disqualification of sitting for the Fellowship Examination of their respective specialties. EEC status will be reviewed half-yearly by the respective Specialty Board until they pass the Fellowship Examination. The eligibility of EEC will be expired if their performance is unsatisfactory for two consecutive 6-month periods.


    EECs are required to follow the Regulations on Interruption of Training as stipulated on P.14. According to the Regulations of CAP for EEC, any registered EECs failing to complete the Fellowship Examination of their respective Specialty within the stipulated time frame are required to withdraw from CAP. Thus, the interrupted period can be exempted from this time frame limit only under the condition that the interruption of training has been pre-approved.

    EECs are not allowed to have their attachment programme interrupted within 6 months prior to examination.


    EECs must have adequate CME score (Minimum 10 points in each category / 30 points per year)

    -       In-hospital meetings (Category 1)

    -       National/international scientific meetings (Category 2)


    All EECs are required to pay an annual registration fee until they leave the CAP. Effective from 1 January 2012, EECs are required to make payment of their annual registration fee within the first month of the year, i.e. on or before 31 January. A surcharge of 100% will be levied for any late payment after the first month of the year. Those who still fail to settle the outstanding fee within the first three months of the year, i.e. before 31 March, will be removed from the College Register.

    Please refer to “Clinical Attachment Programme for Examination Eligible Candidate for further details.


    Applicants are requested to attach certified true copies of the following required documents to support information given in the application. These copies are not returnable and will be verified in due course.

    · Curriculum Vitae(C.V.)
    · A crossed cheque of HKD 1,500 (Annual Registration Fee) should be made payable to “The College of Surgeons of Hong Kong Limited”. The cheque will be returned to the applicant by post if the application is unsuccessful.

    **Applicants are required to pay the Registration Fee annually until they leave the programme.
    · Certification from the Superintendent of private institution (if applicant is in private practice).
    · Certified true copy of other relevant examinations/qualifications(if any)

    Remark: A processing fee of HKD 100 will be charged for any unsuccessful application, including incomplete application.
